Monday, June 24, 2024

Mesmerize - The Grove Blog Hop


Welcome to The Grove Blog Hop!

I am excited that Raija asked me to participate.
This fabric line "The Grove" is full of luscious fabrics in beautiful blues and greens!

Take a look:

Make sure you stop by Raija's Blog to check out all of her fabulous quilt patterns!

what did I do with these fabrics?

I seem to be very much into one block quilts right now.

Not the boring one block quilts, but quilts where the block is hard to find.
That is exactly what I did with this line.

Here is the block:

Weird, huh?

Let's see what happens when you make 42 of these blocks and give them some great rotation:

I think it is pretty cool!

I called this one Mesmerize.
Can you see why?

Here is a link to the quilt pattern:

Make sure you wander through the entire Blog Hop to see what the others have created.

Here is the list with links:
Sunday, 6/23/24: Quilters' Treasure Chest
Monday, 6/24/24: Wiggle Creek Designs 
Tuesday, 6/25/24: Needle in a Hayes Stack
Wednesday, 6/26/24: The Busy Bee Quilter
Thursday, 6/27/24: PiecedPerfection
Friday, 6/28/24: Quilters' Treasure Chest

Until next time,
Happy Quilting,