Burgundy is really tough to photograph! Above the fabric that looks purple, is really supposed to be burgundy.
Here are the fabrics right from the web.

You probably think I have lost my mind (well maybe), but I have found that I seem to love the colors of Autumn. I used to think that tulips were my favorite flower (and I do love them), but have an affinity for sunflowers. I also love the purple and orange color combos for Halloween. Apparently, when you take away the black and add a pale background those same colors leave the Halloween vibe and just present themselves as autumn.
So with that said, I am making an autumn quilt! Check out those points. I am rather impressing myself with them. I have decided I have a thing for asymmetrical blocks. Here is the thing with asymmetrical blocks, you can put them together in many, many combinations. The bummer is you never know how the seams are gonna line up. Pressing to the dark won’t always work. So guess what?

I am pressing those seams open. I know, I just knocked you off your chair! Again, I am pressing those seams open! Oh, how glorious my points are! No bulk at the intersections either. Oh, I have a soap box to climb on and shout out to the quilting world how fabulous this is. I am gonna share again and again about this. Warning: you will get tired of my professing how wonderful it is to press seams open, but more on that later.

Back to these asymmetrical blocks! They are a blast. Here is the layout I have decided to use, but check out some of the others. Isn’t this just a bunch o’ fun!

Move those blocks around and line them up different each time.

I think the combinations might be endless.
I might be exaggerating just a bit, but this next one is combined with 4 large half square triangles and just look at what it did.

Well, I need to get that quilt top together (I really want to take it to Quilt Market next week). Wow, next week! Market is really more than a week away, but we fly out next Thursday, so it seems like it is going to get here faster than I will be ready for. So much to do! Yikes, gotta go…
Blog at you later,