What a great, long, wonderful, exhausting day. Let me start with a few of my favorite quilts from the quilt exhibit.
I think we should start with the Birds and the Bees. So here are the birds: Ricky & Lucy.
I tried to get a bit closer so you could see the quilting. Amazing!
I wanted to get the information for each quilt I share, so here is the sheet that went along with the birds.
Now for the bee!
And the bee close-up.
Oh, there are so many beauties. What shall I show next...
How about the Hoffman Challenge? I liked this one, of course there were many beautiful entries.
A view of the Hoffman dolls.
I seem to be having a thing for clocks, gears, keys, old door hinges and such, so I was drawn to this quilt.
How about another bird? The eyes are truly amazing!
This puppy was so alive.
I fell in love with this quilt. Pictures do not do it justice. Hand quilted, just wanted to point that out!

There will more quilts to share later, for now I want to share some more fun from my day. This is a really blurry picture, but the best one I have. This is the Costume Designer and the Production Designer from the Downton Abbey series.
This is my signed brochure. I will be framing this and it will hang in my studio.
This is the display in the Andover booth at Market for the Downton Abbey projects. I have a something in there.
What else can I tell you, oh, I was led to believe one of my quilts is wanted by a magazine (yippy). That is always a good feeling.
I got a Lizzy House Pearl Bracelets mini manicure. I love the Pearl Bracelets line.
My patterns are on display at the E.E.Scheck booth! Loving the pattern exposure.
I know my pictures are not the greatest, but it love to share them regardless. I hope you enjoy them as well.
Here is another display at Andover. How many od my projects can you find (this is kind of an eye spy game).
Are you as worn out as I am? I'm going to show you one more and then I need some rest. Going back at it tomorrow, should have much more to share.
Off to relax,
Blog at you later,